Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Exploring ADHD and Available Treatments Essays - 2279 Words

Abstract: This research paper describes ADHD and the treatments available. It discusses the different medications and their side effects and explains the opinions of some doctors for an alternative treatment. The main goal of the writing is to shed some light on the disorder and describe some theories about ADHD. This goal is stated in the thesis which talks about how ADHD cannot be identified exactly, the side effects to the medication are harsh, there are different alternative treatments, and research shows it may be caused from hormones and sleep deprivation. A Normal Life ? Imagine sitting in a fourth grade science class. The teacher is lecturing in the front of the room while a groundskeeper mows the grass outside the window.†¦show more content†¦What is ADHD? ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobiological disorder found most commonly in children around the age of seven. ADHD symptoms are poor attention skills and hyperactivity. The first known ADHD symptoms were found in the mid 1800s in children with nervous system injuries and diseases. In 1848, a German physician wrote a childrens story, Fidgety Phil, describing hyperactive behavior. George Frederic Still, (Armas 2001) a British Pediatrician who believed that the children were brain-damaged and described the children as, aggressive, defiant, lawless, overactive, attention impaired, dishonest and accident-prone this first discovery. He also described them as having a defect in moral control. Since the beginning of ADHD people have been trying to find a cure for the hyperactive symptoms, but maybe the cure was right in front of everyones eyes all society needs to do is open them. Another statistic included with ADHD is the fact that between 1997-1998 data from the CDCs National Health Interview Survey showed that one-half of children diagnosed with ADHD have also been identified as having a learning disability. This shows that the children already have disabilities and maybe there is somethingShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Disorder ( Adhd )1669 Words   |  7 PagesHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a condition affecting many children, adolescents and adults (Resnick, 2005). ADHD manifests itself through behaviors of hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention and a lack of stick-to-itiveness (Resnick). Initially, researchers believed ADHD impacted children throughout their young lives and subsided around puberty (Kern, Rasmussen, Byrd Wittschen, 1999). 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